You May Hate Me or May Thank Me After You Read This

holiday season 2020

You May Hate Me or May Thank Me After You Read This

Just so you know, you’ve got to be prepared to read this, I’m doing this for the good of all of us.  You, my beautiful reader, and of course myself.  We only have 92 days until the holidays! Even a little less time if you have other traditions, and many of us still think we are living the 200th of March. The truth of the matter is that time never stoped and we better get this stuff done, unless you like to live under horrible holiday pressure.

So here are the steps I’ll be following to have a smooth, tranquile and stress free holiday shopping.

holiday season 2020 shopping list

1.- Plan ahead! 

As a little reminder (agaaaain) we are 92 days till the holidays, and as we may all know TIME FLIES! Planing ahead will just give you the time needed to think and plan your shopping list the right way. This way you won’t forget anyone on your list.  Better yet, you’ll have a more pleasant shopping experience. YAAAY! 

As a matter of fact, REMEMBER! We are living different and interesting times. We may not have the opportunity to do in-person shopping and if we buy online, delivery times may take even longer than past years.

2.- Set a budget.

Setting a budget will definitely give you peace of mind and also you’ll live debt-free because you know… Who doesn’t LOVE live without debt? —I hope I can hear many MANY MEEEE’S!— 

This will help you! Make sure you don’t miss your bills. You know mortgage or rent, utilities, car, groceries and any other monthly payments you have. 

Make sure you also consider upcoming events you probably have after the holidays like Travel, weddings events, an important purchase for your family and so on. You already have to know (I hope)  how much money you need to cover those needs. Make an estimate for those upcoming events. Subtract all those expenses from your monthly income and decide your budget for your holiday gifts.

3.- Make a List!

I LOVE MAKING LISTS! This will definitely help you:

1.- Not go cray cray with the holiday shopping. 

2.- You will stay on budget. 

3.- You won’t forget anyone on your special gift list.

4.- Help you avoid unnecessary purchases.


This is  even more personal TO ME! When I give gifts, I love that the gifts are special and meaningful, because I mean, that’s the meaning of it, Isn’t it? 

So pay attention to when that special person talks, listen to their interests, their cravings, their desires to try a new sport, to try that new place and so on.  Give it with the heart and not “just because” 

You can put it this way… “Make your money work the right way” and for me that’s one. 

5.- Decide how you’re going to pay 

Credit card? Debit Card? Cash? This tip can be really helpful, you can set aside your savings account the money to have you decided to spend on gifts.

If you want to pay with credit card, don’t forget about credit card interests.

6.- Get Creative

In times like this, some of us may not have money to go and spend it. Just so you know, you don’t necessarily have to go and spend the money you don’t have on gifts. You can get really creative just remember this saying “ Creativity is Intelligence having fun”

7.- Know where your money going

You have to know where your money is going. As you go with your shopping list, keep track of it —girl! Boy! — Nothing it’s set in stone, you never know, you may have to make some changes to the budget-Because you know? Life happens!—

What we want is a happy holiday season and not that you end up with a headache and an empty wallet after the holidays.

I hope these tips help you and if you have one or two to share with me, please let me know in the comments.

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